‘To be a reference overcoming technological challenges related with the structural integrity of every type of structure, capital good or welded joint’

We offer scientific and technical services with a high added value, which can be applied at any phase of the useful life of a structure, component or welded joint. This way, we are supporting our customers at the phases of design, manufacturing, quality control, reparation, failure analysis or R&D. We provided all the know-how developed for more than 20 years of University/Company cooperation.

Results obtained in applied industrial research are developed and utilized, transferring latest advances in materials and joint technologies from the University to the Workshop. We have innovative techniques for controlling and improving the quality of the products manufactured and/or used by our customers, optimizing materials and increasing their useful life and safety.

KHISGROUP: knowledge and innovation at the service of industry.


‘To improve the competitiveness of our customers through advanced scientific and technological services, transferring all the knowledge, rigor and innovation from University to Industry’

‘The solution to technic and scientific problems is a challenge we lave’

We are experts solv1ng complex problems that result from design and manufacturing of h1gh added value products

‘Our greatest asset is the know­how’

The greatest asset of our company is the knowledge: our people. Our team has PhDs and Engineers with a great industrial and research experience, as well as recognized Professors in the field of materials science and structural integrity

‘There is no limit’

We firmly bet for R&D and we contmue with the development of know1.edge and techliques far continuously improving the services we offer to our customers

‘Commitment to our clients is our greatest responsibility’

We build trust m our clients, guiding them m the contmual improvement of their products, serv1ces and manufacturing processes .

“We offer solutions where conventional techniques can’t reach”

We have developed a series of new tecm0Log1es that allow us to overcome with guarantee complex problems. We are based on a depth knowledge, experience and the mastery of new methodolog1es of analysis and processes